Simulation Modeling Tool Kit
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smtk::extension Namespace Reference

Extensions to SMTK that introduce external dependencies. More...


 A simple mesh generator.
 Expose algorithms for creating models from image data.
 Extensions that expose SMTK data in ParaView.
 Extensions that expose SMTK data in Qt UI components.
 Remote meshing via interprocess communication.
 Classes that depend on VTK for visualization of resource data.
 Expose algorithms for creating models from image data.


class  DefaultTaskNodeWidget
class  DefaultTaskNodeWidget1
class  qComponentAttributeViewComboBoxItemDelegate
class  qtAnalysisView
 Provides the QT UI for an Analysis View. More...
class  qtAssociation2ColumnWidget
class  qtAssociationView
 A View that provides a GUI to edit an attribute's association information. More...
class  qtAssociationWidget
 Base class for widgets that deal with attribute associations. More...
class  qtAttribute
class  qtAttributeEditorDialog
 Provides a mechanism to edit an attribute using a dialog mechanism instead of a panel. More...
class  qtAttributeItemInfo
 Class used to generate widgets for Attribute Items. More...
class  qtAttributeView
 Qt implementation for an Attribute View. More...
class  qtAvailableOperations
 Present a list of available operations to users. More...
class  qtBadgeActionToggle
 A bulk-capable toggle action for badges. More...
class  qtBaseArc
 A graphics item that represents an arc between nodes in a diagram. More...
class  qtBaseAttributeView
class  qtBaseNode
 A Graphical Item that represents a node connected by arcs in a scene. More...
class  qtBaseObjectNode
 A Graphical Item that represents a persistent object as a node in a scene. More...
class  qtBaseTaskNode
 A Graphical Item that represents a task as a node in a scene. More...
class  qtBaseView
 A base class for all view types implemented using Qt. More...
class  qtBSpline2D
 Utilities for working with 2-D B-splines. More...
class  qtCategorySelectorView
class  qtCheckableComboItemDelegate
class  qtCheckItemComboBox
class  qtCollapsibleGroupWidget
class  qtCollapsibleGroupWidgetInternals
class  qtComponentAttributeView
class  qtComponentItem
class  qtComponentNode
 Rendering and interaction code for nodes that represent components of resources. More...
class  qtConnectMode
 A mode where clicking on a pair of objects will launch an operation to connect them with an arc. More...
class  qtDateTimeItem
class  qtDefaultTaskNode
 A implementation of a qtBaseTaskNode. More...
class  qtDefaultTaskNode1
 Another implementation of a qtBaseTaskNode. More...
class  qtDescriptivePhraseDelegate
 Present the contents of an smtk::model::Resource instance via qtDescriptivePhraseModel. More...
class  qtDescriptivePhraseModel
 Adapt an smtk::view::PhraseModel instance into a hierarchical Qt model. More...
class  qtDiagram
 A widget that displays diagrams of SMTK resources. More...
class  qtDiagramGenerator
 A base class that maintains a diagram in the face of operations which modify the state of the diagram's objective. More...
class  qtDiagramGeneratorFactory
 A factory for qtDiagramGenerator. More...
class  qtDiagramLegend
 An interactive legend to control what is displayed in a qtDiagram. More...
class  qtDiagramLegendEntry
 All the information needed to represent a symbol used in a diagram. More...
class  qtDiagramScene
 A QGraphicsScene that holds QGraphicsItems for diagrams. More...
class  qtDiagramView
 A widget that holds a Qt scene graph. More...
class  qtDiagramViewConfiguration
 An object to hold view configuration settings. More...
class  qtDiagramViewMode
 An object to handle modal interaction in a diagram view. More...
class  qtDiagramViewModeFactory
 A factory for qtDiagramViewModes. More...
class  qtDirectoryItem
class  qtDisconnectMode
 A mode where click+dragging rubberband-selects arcs. More...
class  qtDiscreteValueEditor
class  qtDoubleItem
class  qtDoubleLineEdit
 qtLineEdit subclass that supports a low precision view when inactive More...
class  qtDoubleUnitsLineEdit
 qtDoubleUnitsLineEdit provides units-aware line edit double values More...
class  qtDoubleValidator
class  qtEmittingStringBuffer
 An std::stringbuf that emits when it is updated. More...
class  qtExpressionSortFilterProxyModel
class  qtFileItem
 Provides the QT UI for a smtk::attribute::FileSystemItem. More...
class  qtGroupingNode
 Rendering and interaction code for nodes that represent groups of resource and component nodes. More...
class  qtGroupItem
class  qtGroupView
class  qtInfixExpressionEditor
class  qtInfixExpressionEditorInternals
class  qtInfixExpressionEditorRow
class  qtInputsItem
class  qtInstancedView
class  qtIntItem
class  qtIntValidator
class  qtItem
 an abstract UI class for attribute item More...
class  qtLegendDelegate
 A delegate for rendering symbols into a qtDiagramLegend. More...
class  qtLineEdit
 qtLineEdit is a specialization of QLineEdit which provide a new property 'text2'. More...
class  qtManager
 A qtManager is responsible for creating new qt-based objects. More...
class  qtNotEditableDelegate
 Simple delegate that prevents contents from being modified. More...
class  qtObjectArc
 An arc between nodes in a diagram that represents an object. More...
class  qtObjectNodeFactory
 A factory for objects derived from qtObjectNode. More...
class  qtOperationDialog
 Provides a dialog for launching SMTK operations. More...
class  qtOperationLauncher
 An operation launcher that emits a signal containing the operation's result after the operation has successfully executed. More...
class  qtOperationPalette
 An SMTK view that lists types of operations. More...
class  qtOperationView
class  qtOverlay
class  qtOverlayFilter
class  qtPanMode
 A mode where click+dragging on the background pans the view. More...
class  qtPreviewArc
 A graphics item that represents an arc as it is being constructed. More...
class  qtReferenceItem
 A base class for component and resource items. More...
class  qtReferenceItemData
 A base class for protected data shared between component and resource items. More...
class  qtReferenceItemEditor
 qtReferenceItemEditor is a custom UI interface for a smtk::attribute::ReferenceItem that uses a Combo Box. More...
class  qtReferenceTree
 A tree-view UI for attribute associations and reference-items. More...
class  qtReferenceTreeData
 A base class for protected data shared among subclasses of qtReferenceTree. More...
class  qtRegexDelegate
 Simple delegate that uses a RegEx to restrict what can be entered. More...
class  qtResourceBrowser
 A panel that displays SMTK resources available to the application/user. More...
class  qtResourceDiagram
 A base class that maintains a diagram based on the results of operations which modify the state of the diagram's objective. More...
class  qtResourceDiagramArc
 A graphics item that represents an arc between nodes. More...
class  qtResourceDiagramSummary
 A label each qtResourceDiagram owns and inserts into the qtDiagram's sidebar. More...
class  qtResourceItem
class  qtResourceNode
 Rendering and interaction code for nodes that represent resources. More...
class  qtSelectMode
 A mode where click+dragging on the background rubber-band selects nodes. More...
class  qtSelectorView
class  qtSimpleExpressionView
class  qtStringItem
class  qtTableWidget
class  qtTaskArc
 A graphics item that represents a task dependency or adaptor. More...
class  qtTaskCompletionCheckBoxItem
 This graphics item allows the user to mark the task as completed using a check-box approach - when inside this item the cursor will be a normal arrow. More...
class  qtTaskCompletionItem
 This item deals with completing the task. More...
class  qtTaskEditor
 A widget that displays SMTK tasks available to users in a diagram. More...
class  qtTaskNameItem
 This item is used to display and change the name of a Task as well as activating the Task. More...
class  qtTaskNode
 A implementation of a qtBaseTaskNode. More...
class  qtTaskNodeFactory
 A factory for qtTaskNodes. More...
class  qtTaskPath
 An interactive widget that display the current path Task descendants. More...
class  qtTaskPortArc
 A graphics item that represents a task dependency or adaptor. More...
class  qtTaskPortNode
 Rendering and interaction code for nodes that represent Ports of Tasks. More...
class  qtTaskStatusItem
 This graphics item displays the status of the qtTaskNode using color. More...
class  qtTextEdit
class  qtTimeZoneRegionModel
class  qtTimeZoneSelectWidget
class  qtUIManager
 Container for managers whose content is presented via Qt widgets. More...
class  qtUnitsLineEdit
 qtUnitsLineEdit provides units-aware line edit More...
class  qtViewInfoDialog
class  qtViewRegistrar
class  qtVoidItem
class  qtWorkletPalette
 An SMTK view that lists worklets which can be added to a project's workflow. More...
class  ResultHandler
 This class will be responsible for notifying the original caller of an operation that the result from said operation is ready. More...
class  SVGIconEngine
 A class to render SVG into a QIcon. More...


typedef smtk::shared_ptr< smtk::extension::qtSelectionManager > qtSelectionManagerPtr
using qtModelViewConstructor = std::function< QTreeView *(QWidget *)>
typedef qtItem *(* qtItemConstructor) (const qtAttributeItemInfo &info)
using DiagramGeneratorInput = smtk::common::factory::Inputs< const smtk::view::Information &, const smtk::view::Configuration::Component &, qtDiagram * >
 Arguments passed to the constructor of a qtDiagramGenerator.
using DiagramViewModeInput = smtk::common::factory::Inputs< qtDiagram *, qtDiagramView *, QToolBar *, QActionGroup * >
 Arguments passed to the constructor of a qtDiagramViewMode.
using ObjectNodeInput = smtk::common::factory::Inputs< qtDiagramGenerator *, smtk::resource::PersistentObject *, QGraphicsItem * >
 Arguments passed to the constructor of a qtBaseObjectNode.


bool qtDeleterDisposition (smtk::operation::DispositionBatch &batch)
 A function to resolve issues when deleting persistent objects. More...
QIcon colorAdjustedIcon (const std::string &svg, const QColor &background)
 A function used to convert an SVG icon into a QIcon with its color adjusted to the given background color. More...


const int padding = 7

Detailed Description

Extensions to SMTK that introduce external dependencies.

Generally, any functionality that introduces external dependencies but does not expose a modeling kernel belongs in this namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ qtSelectionManagerPtr

typedef smtk::shared_ptr<smtk::extension::qtSelectionManager> smtk::extension::qtSelectionManagerPtr
See also

Function Documentation

◆ colorAdjustedIcon()

QIcon SMTKQTEXT_EXPORT smtk::extension::colorAdjustedIcon ( const std::string &  svg,
const QColor &  background 

A function used to convert an SVG icon into a QIcon with its color adjusted to the given background color.

This function will replace "black" with "white" when background.lightnessF() >= 0.5. It also converts the resulting SVG string into a QIcon.

This simple adjustment (exchanging black and white) is distinct from qtUIManager::contrastWithText(), which attempts to adjust an input color's lightness to contrast with Qt's text color in the current palette.

◆ qtDeleterDisposition()

bool SMTKQTEXT_EXPORT smtk::extension::qtDeleterDisposition ( smtk::operation::DispositionBatch batch)

A function to resolve issues when deleting persistent objects.

Pass this function to smtk::operation::deleteObjects(); it will prompt users if some subset of the input objects cannot be deleted.