
In SMTK, operations performed on resources are accomplished with instances of the Operation class. Each operation is a subclass that contains the code to perform the operation by overriding the operate() and ableToOperate() methods. These subclasses register themselves (via SMTK’s auto-init macros) with a Manager.

Operations are the only places where persistent objects (components and resources) should be modified, created, or destroyed. This is because operations hold locks to the resources they accept as inputs and may run in parallel in other threads. By using the locking mechanism which operations provide, you avoid race conditions, memory stomping, and many other issues encountered with parallel code.

The next sections describe in detail: first, how operators specify the inputs they require and outputs they produce; and second, how operators register themselves for introspection by applications and scripts.

Inputs and Outputs

The inputs that an operator requires in order to run and the outputs that an operator may produce are each modeled as attribute definitions. These definitions reside in an attribute resource.

Each operator’s inputs are specified by a Definition that inherits a base attribute-definition named “operator” while the its outputs are specified by a Definition that inherits a base attribute-definition named “result”. Furthermore, if an operator’s input specification is named “foo”, its output specification must be named “result(foo)”.

SMTK uses this naming convention to construct results automatically. Given an instance of an Operator subclass, you can call its specification() method to obtain the Attribute which models its inputs. When the operator is executed, it returns an Attribute instance that models its result.

Recall that an attribute resource holds definitions which contain item definitions. When an attribute is instantiated from a definition, all its active item definitions are instantiated as items. The definitions themselves specify what types of persistent objects may be associated with their attributes using a list of pairs of specifier strings; the first string in the pair specifies the type-name of resource while the second string specifies constraints on what types of components are allowed. Associations between an operation’s parameters and persistent objects such as model entities denote what objects the operator will act upon. The operation’s parameters may also contain attribute items that specify other configuration information for the operation such as point locations, geometric distances, etc. that determine how the operation will proceed.

The fact that inputs and outputs are specified using SMTK’s own attribute resource means that one need not construct an instance of the operator’s C++ class in order to obtain information about it; instead, simply call operatorSystem() on the session and ask for all the definitions which inherit “operator”.