| smtkTypenameMacro (smtk::extension::qtTaskEditor) |
| smtkSuperclassMacro (smtk::extension::qtDiagramGenerator) |
| qtTaskEditor (const smtk::view::Information &info, const smtk::view::Configuration::Component &config, qtDiagram *parent) |
void | updateScene (std::unordered_set< smtk::resource::PersistentObject * > &created, std::unordered_set< smtk::resource::PersistentObject * > &modified, std::unordered_set< smtk::resource::PersistentObject * > &expunged, const smtk::operation::Operation &operation, const smtk::operation::Operation::Result &result) override |
| Diagram update methodsCalled when an operation completes. More...
bool | addWorklet (const std::string &workletName, std::array< double, 2 > location) |
| This is called when a worklet is dropped on the qtDiagram.
bool | acceptDropProposal (QDragEnterEvent *event) override |
| Returns true if the event proposes to drop a worklet.
void | moveDropPoint (QDragMoveEvent *event) override |
| Update any drop preview to the location in the provided event.
void | abortDrop (QDragLeaveEvent *event) override |
| Clean up any drop preview; the user has aborted the drag-and-drop.
bool | acceptDrop (QDropEvent *event) override |
| Return true if we can accept the drag-and-drop data at the finalized location.
| smtkTypenameMacroBase (qtDiagramGenerator) |
| smtkSuperclassMacro (QObject) |
| qtDiagramGenerator (const smtk::view::Information &info, const smtk::view::Configuration::Component &config, qtDiagram *parent) |
| Create a generator from configuration information.
qtDiagram * | diagram () const |
| Return the diagram this generator inserts content into.
void | sceneCleared () |
| Called by subclasses to notify qtDiagramViewMode instances that the generator's items have been cleared. More...
virtual bool | addConfiguration (nlohmann::json &config) const |
| Save/load diagram state. More...
virtual bool | configure (const nlohmann::json &config) |
| Fetch configuration data for this generator from the diagram's overall config.
A widget that displays SMTK tasks available to users in a diagram.