
SMTK’s observers pattern (Observers) is a generic pattern for registering and executing callback routines when an “observed” class performs different tasks related to events in its lifetime or notifying others of its state. The observed class traditionally contains an instance of the Observers class, which is used to both register and call observer functors as these events occur.

Observer parameters

When an event that should be observed occurs, the Observers class may be provided with information about the event; this information determines the signature of the observer functors and is a template parameter to the observer class. For example, SMTK’s resource manager considers the addition, modification, and removal of resources to be significant events. It passes an enum specifying which of these events is occurring along with a shared pointer to the resource in question.

Observing state

Sometimes, observers may wish to observe the state of a class rather than lifecycle events; for example, SMTK’s resource manager notifies observers when resources are added to or removed from the manager. However, observers may need to maintain a list of all the resources in the manager — even those added before the observer was registered. Thus when an observer functor is registered with Observers, there is sometimes a need for the functor to be called immediately with the initial state as well as later when future events alter the state.

If this is the case, the Observers instance can be provided with a function at construction that “initializes” observers upon registration with the current state. If an initializer is provided, observers can opt in to being initialized as they are registered; if no initializer is provided, then any request to be initialized is ignored.

Registering an observer

An observer functor is registered to an Observers instance with

  • an optional integral priority value (higher priority functors are called before lower priority functors),

  • an option to initialize the observer by executing the functor immediately upon registration, and

  • a string description that is printed in debug mode when the observer functor is called.

When an observer functor is registered, a non-copyable key is returned that scopes the lifetime of the observer functor (when the key goes out of scope, the observer functor is unregistered from the Observers instance).

Early exit

If the Observers instance is constructed to have observers return a boolean value, observation is terminated if an observer functor returns false. This allows observers to potentially cancel an action that is being observed, letting the observers drive the actions of the observed class. If the Observers instance is constructed to have observers return void, all observer functors will be called without the possibility of cancellation.

Mutating observations and thread safety

Note that observers are normally invoked synchronously whenever the parameters of the observed event are provided to the Observers’ parenthesis operator. If used in a threaded environment, this means that multiple threads might potentially invoke observers — potentially simultaneously. If this is not your intention (many user interface libraries do not allow updates except on one thread), you must modify how observers are called.

The Observers pattern also contains logic to optionally modify the execution logic of the observer instance. This feature is used to control the context in which observer functors are executed (e.g., forcing all observer functors to execute on the applicaiton’s main thread, as is done by pqSMTKCallObserversOnMainThreadBehavior).


An example that demonstrates the prinicples and API of this pattern can be found in SMTK’s UnitTestObservers test.